Tuesday 18 May 2010


I bought this book in Edmonton about a guy who cycles around North America as a mid-life adventure and to promote environmental living. I got it as inspiration for my tour next year.

What was surprising was that in each town he called up radio and tv and got on air to promote cycling. He was a forest gump kinda story, and wasn't even raising money for charity or promoting a book yet.

So with the miserable turnouts I've been getting it occurred me to try it for my own ends and I called local stations. I'd already mass-mailed radio a month before but it was too far before I now realise.

With the couchsurfing, nomadic life, the suits and the music, I realise that I do have a story, and surprise surprise I've already been plugged on Jack.fm and tomorrow I have an interview on CJSW the university station on the breakfast show and a television interview afterwards for Calgary TV.

It's that easy. The only annoying thing is that I've already been on tour for 10 weeks and only now had this idea.

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